Reply To: Understanding supporting ’emptiness of absence’ meditation

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Home Forums Discussion topics In-Depth Meditation Training (EN) Understanding supporting ’emptiness of absence’ meditation Reply To: Understanding supporting ’emptiness of absence’ meditation

Rik vanKeulen

Great contributions! Let’s see if I can make a list of the above, and perhaps some others – subtle analyses we can apply to support the letting go: 1) past & future doesn’t exist – just memories and unreliable forecasts; 2) all that chit chatter in the mind about social relationships, nothing of that can be found at this moment; 3) with regards to the mind, there is no self which is in control, whether the meditation goes well or not, it is just causes & conditions playing it out; 4) the body-mind complex is also just a collection of aggregates, of elements, no real body or mind to be found, body and mind are just labels; 5) the feeling of urgency, that I have to engage with a thought, that is nothing but the dynamics of the mental factors of feeling (pleasant, unpleasant, neutral) and intention at work – and making each other mad indeed; 5) that following distractions is nothing to do with freedom, it is a like tunnel one get’s sucked into, one being the slave of past behavioural patterns and karma, and that letting go is closer to freedom; 6) letting go can give that subtle joy – if one has the luck to experience it (also just the effect of causes & conditions, so no need to get attached to that either).