Reply To: Y2Q6) Transforming our narrative

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Home Forums Discussion topics In-Depth Meditation Training (EN) Y2Q6) Transforming our narrative Reply To: Y2Q6) Transforming our narrative

Ingrid Lander

For me, there has been, and still is, some resistance to prayer and Puja ceremonies. It is linked to a fundamental critical attitude towards blind faith and religion. To get beyond that in my Dharma practice, I have chosen to sometimes change certain concepts that create resistance. To see the texts (prayers) as beautiful, meaningful poems instead. This means that I also choose the prayers/poems that appeal to me, that feels meaningful in their meaning and that I understand.

When it comes to my own narratives, it’s a pretty intimate question that I choose to answer a little overall. I always start my meditation with the motivation that I am doing this practice in order to transform my mind and cultivate my Buddha nature. I also end my meditation with a dedication to all suffering beings and all beings who help those who suffer, to all of us who work for a better world in freedom, solidarity and equality, where there is no exploitation of nature, animals and human beings.