Reply To: Y2Q6) Transforming our narrative

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Home Forums Discussion topics In-Depth Meditation Training (EN) Y2Q6) Transforming our narrative Reply To: Y2Q6) Transforming our narrative

Rik vanKeulen

1) I apply an add-on to “we are sitting among the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the past, present and future”. We are all sitting in a beautiful valley. Because the minds of the buddhas and bodhisattvas are so silent, nature, even the birds and stream also become totally silent. Then I let this silence enter my mind and my whole being.
2) for the interdependency (with links to emptiness & bodhicitta), I contemplate that nothing in me would have existed without involvement of others. No cell in my body.. they exist because of the food I have eaten.. No thoughts in my mind..all those concepts coming through my upbringing and education.. Not even my emotions: even knowing what is anger, jealousy, it has come about by others. The notion what is attractive comes with strong cultural influence and thus came into existence because of others. Then my parents… Then my karma which have been created in relationship to others…. Then I sit, and try to feel the implications, a very intricate network, wherein nothing exists by itself….