Reply To: Y2Q19) Mind as the creator (1)

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Floris Veen

Thx Rik for your nice examples. Here some recent examples from my side. Last summer at the end of the retreat in Loenen we enjoyed our victory lunch and shared our experiences we had during the week. It was interesting to hear that like myself several people had the experience of a different perception of sounds.The simple turning of the page of a book suddenly sounded very intense and vivid. Not at all the way it is normally perceived. On the side of the action of turning the page nothing was substantially different from normal, but to our ear consciousness the perception had changed probably due to the effect of meditation practice. It changed the whole experience of the perception of that sound. So on the side of the person something changed that made the perception a different experience. I think this shows that the way something appears tot our mind is determined by our mind. Likewise we apprehend seemingly similar objects every time just a little different depending on our minds. The new toilet bowl I bought last week that should bring a nice new experience to going to the toilet, suddenly became an annoying object when I didn’t seem to manage to get it to hang in right way.The whole feel around the object changed when I looked at it lying there on the ground, waiting to be hung. And this all happened in my mind!