Y2Q5) Alaya and unserviceability

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    • #2886
      Rik vanKeulen

      We are continuously adding new seeds (imprints) in our alaya, which at one time will also come out: 1) creating future experiences; 2) creating habitual patterns; 3) formation of concepts; 4) contributing to words and language. We will further explore this in the coming lessons. But with your current understanding, how would you describe these processes in relation to the first hindrance to concentration: unserviceability and its 3 forms.

    • #2915
      Jenny Schouten

      We are in Samsara, a circulair process.
      We are used to behave/think/speak in a certain way.
      Every time We do so, it leaves an imprint in the stream of our consciousness, but we are absolute not aware of this.
      It makes me think of the groove of an LP: everytime you play it, it gets deeper and deeper. This is 2: the creation of a habitat Patterson.
      It also creates experiences in the future (1) because these imprints will never go away and they WILL arise when the conditions are there.
      THis is all happening because of our ignorance: we think that what we experience is the real world. Sadly it isn’t. This is an concept that everytime it happens, it also strengthens the concept (3).
      The same for (4): if you curse and do that several times, each time it becomes easyer to do so.
      Unless we are completely mindful of what we are doing and what is going on in our mind.

    • #2922
      Sara Caldwell

      Thank you for such a clear and logical way to describe this process, Jenny. It really emphasizes the importance of the awareness and practice of the paramitas at every moment.

    • #2948
      Rik vanKeulen

      Nice contribution indeed, Jenny. And probably all these 4 processes happen at the same time, just different perspectives on the same event. 1) and 2) is the karmic process: actions which will cause future experience. Karma both having an ‘experience concordant to the action’ but also ‘effect comparable to the cause’, the latter creating habits. Then the process of conceptuality: if we are not careful, creating this impression that things exist from their own side, the line which the mind draws around a collection of parts. This also has its karmic consequences – the habit of the mind as a thing-maker, but is also reinforced through our verbal interactions (words & language). If you talk about how your new car makes you happy, then I also start to think that only if I had a car then happiness would be within reach. If we are not careful we are adding non-virtuous elements into the alaya, which will come back at one moment – with those 4 perspectives – and which we will experience as a mind which is possibly unserviceable (procrastination, following desire, low self-esteem/discouragement).

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