Y2Q2) The intoxication of anger and desire

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    • #2852
      Rik vanKeulen

      “Anger and desire are intoxicating because of ignorance”. Try to explain this in your own words.

    • #2858
      Sara Caldwell

      I see anger and desire as the primary sustenance of the self-cherishing mind, which is the cause of ignorance (I think). That mind is ravenous for anger and desire, and when they appear, the self-cherishing mind is given exactly what it is addicted to, thereby reinforcing the strength of the relationship. It’s UNBELIEVABLY powerful. I have had quite an intimate relationship with addiction in the past, and I see anger and desire as the self-cherishing mind’s drug of choice. It feels like it’s exactly the same dynamic.

    • #2859
      Sara Caldwell

      ps- Just for fun, I’ve often thought that when the bonds of that addiction (to the self-cherishing mind) are completely broken, there must be thunderclaps or lightning or rainbows spontaneously produced, kind of like when energy is released when molecular bonds are broken. 🙂

    • #2860
      Mircea Mocanu

      Liking is not of more importance than disliking. All the investment in the belief that we should like as much as possible while avoid the disliking inflate to levels out of control, where the mind is fully covered in that view. This way the intention to remove other(s) that hinder the object of desire arises. Wanting (to obtain or to remove) presents the object of perception in a permanent way. Both desire and aversion are in a dependent relation with ignorance.

    • #2874

      The ignorance of not seeing Things as THEY Realy are makes you Believe That the results of anger and desire will bring you relief and satisfaction. however they lead you in the opposite direction. You only generate suffering for yourself and others. You get locked in a endless growing closed circle of dissatisfaction and suffering. Because your vision is not in accordance with reality you are generating the opposite of what you want and you become a slave of emotions that poisons all around.

    • #2895
      Manita Roose

      We have heard so many times that there is no happiness to be found in the pizza. More pizza doesn’t mean more happiness. Clearly the happiness doesn’t come from the pizza.
      I get that.
      But than something happens. Something unpleasant. And and my mind sees the person who said this thing that I didn’t like, or did something that I think is wrong, as the reason why I get angry. It takes reasoning to bend that view. My angry mind has every right to be angry it believes and I need mindfulness to stop myself from putting more fuel on the fire. Slowly I learn to let go.
      The pizza not being the cause of happiness, is easier to understand than a person who triggered me not being the cause of my unhappiness. Recently I realized that I think other people are in control of their speech and actions and of course that is a mistaken belief. It helps me to let go and to wish the person who “made me” angry, to be happy.

    • #2896

      Everything comes from the mind. We have a choice. As humans on the Path we don’t need any of the disturbing emotions/experiences, cause it is an blockade for our own and other people’s happiness and liberation.

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