Y2Q24) Enlightenment is a communal project

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Home Forums Discussion topics In-Depth Meditation Training (EN) Y2Q24) Enlightenment is a communal project

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  • Author
    • #3309
      Rik vanKeulen

      Elaborate what Ven Gendun means with: “Enlightenment is a communal project”.

    • #3314
      Denise Bijl

      Our precious Ven also said: there is nothing that is not interconnected. So how could enlightenment not be?
      Without our mother sentient beings, and especially the ones that challenge us, enlightenment would not be possible, and what goes for us, also goes for everyone else. Just as they are necessary for our enlightenment, we ourselves are for theirs.

      This not only fills me with huge gratitude, but also with the notion that if some of us are unhappy, none of us are truly happy. We can’t leave anyone behind.

      • #3319
        Rik vanKeulen

        Does that mean a Buddha is not really happy?

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