Y2Q3) Perfuming the alaya vijnaya

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Home Forums Discussion topics In-Depth Meditation Training (EN) Y2Q3) Perfuming the alaya vijnaya

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  • Author
    • #2853
      Rik vanKeulen

      This year we will look at the yogachara school. How does “perfuming the alaya vijnaya” (storehouse/base/foundational consciousness; base of all) contrast to the “self which thinks it is control”?

    • #2876
      Ingrid Lander

      With my limited knowledge, I would say that it is about the insight, finally understanding that there is no permanent self. Since there is no fixed self, as the creation takes place in interaction with the world and other beings, “perfuming the alaya vijnaya” is about letting go of the self that constantly creates the world through ignorance and wrong view. To thus break the subject-object relationship to phenomena and be able to see the emptiness of a solid existence on its one side.

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