Venerable Losang Gendun’s spiritual journey started with a Trappist monk in the early 1970s, who exemplified the fruits of a long life dedicated to simplicity, contemplation, and the care for others. It was the meeting with the abbot of a Dutch Theravada monastery a decade later though that provided Ven Gendun’s path with new direction and proper foundation.

He worked in diverse areas such as palliative care, tech, refugee organizations, and commercial management. In 2006 he finally felt called to make a life changing decision and chose for ordination in the Tibetan tradition. During his nine years at Nalanda Monastery in France, he had the privilege of studying under some of the most respected Buddhist teachers, including H.H. the Dalai Lama, Ganden Tripa Lobsang Tenzin Rinpoche, Geshe Losang Jamphal, and Lama Zopa Rinpoche.
Ven Gendun spent over four years in retreat, training in Tibetan Lojong and Mahamudra methods, as well as Vipassana-shamatha meditation in the Theravada Forest Traditions of Sayadaws U Pandita and Pa Auk (Myanmar).
For the past 15 years, Ven Gendun has been teaching Buddhist philosophy, psychology, and meditation in countries like the Netherlands, France, Monaco, the US, and the UK, and was the resident teacher of FPMT’s Maitreya Instituut in Amsterdam for six years.
Venerable Gendun has a strong commitment to living and promoting the ‘examined life’, in which the false security of dogmas is replaced by a fearless heart and inquisitive mind.
Source of
all good qualities

Geshe Losang Tengye
Root Guru
Born in 1927, Gen Tengye graduated Geshe Lharampa at the Sera Je Monastery in Tibet. He spent 9 years in Thailand as a mendicant monk comparing Tibetan and Theravada Vinayas, before moving to France where he taught for over 30 years in Buddhist Temple Linh Son, but especially Institut Vajra yogini in the Tarn, where he resided until his passing in 2019.

Luang Pho Phra Thep Bhuddhimongkol
Refuge preceptor and meditation teacher
Born in 1929, Luang Pho took novice ordination at Wat Saket in Bangkok and full ordination 4 years later. He studied Buddhism at Bangkok University where he obtained his PhD in 1973. He has been the abbot of the Buddharama temple in Waalwijk since 1991 and serves as the head of the Thai Sangha in Europe.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Embodiment of bodhicitta
Born in 1946 in Nepal, Rinpoche was recognized as the reincarnation of the Lawudo Lama. After the passing away of his guru Lama Yeshe in 1984, he accepted the role of spiritual director of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). His teachings on compassion, wisdom, and the practice of bodhisattva ideals reached the far corners of the earth due to his incomparable dedication to all living beings.

His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama
Full ordination abbot and tantric master
His Holiness was born in 1935 in Taktser, Tibet. Having been recognized as the 14th Dalai Lama, he assumed the full responsibilities of his position in 1950. Fleeing into exile to India in 1959, he now resides in Dharamsala and serves as the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. Teaching worldwide, he has been a tireless advocate for peace, compassion, and the preservation of Tibetan culture, and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.

Ganden Tripa Lobsang Tenzin Rinpoche
Novice abbot and tantric master
Born in Tibet in 1934 and ordained as a monk at the age of seven, he followed His Holiness the Dalai Lama into exile in 1959. He studied at Sera Je Monastery and Gyume Tantric University. He was appointed the 104th Ganden Tripa, spiritual leader of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, in April, 2017.

Sayalay Daw Bhaddamanika
Meditation teacher
Born in Myanmar in 1955, Sayalay ordained as a nun in Lumbini in February 1999. Co-managing the Panditarama-Lumbini center, she has greatly contributed to its development. She teaches meditation to short and long term-retreatants both in Lumbini and abroad.

Geshe Losang Jamphel
Monastic abbot and philosophy teacher
Born in 1961, Geshe Jamphel secretly received novice ordination in 1979 and full ordination in 1981 at Ganden Monastery near Lhasa in Tibet. Fleeing into exile, he enrolled in Sera Je Monastery in South India, where he passed his Lharampa Geshe degree in 1999, and continued his studies at Gyuto tantric college. He has taught at Nalanda monastery in France since 2000 and became its abbot in 2007.

Sayadaw U Kovida
Meditation and abhidhamma teacher
Born in 1976 Sayadaw U Kovida took Samanera ordination at age 14 years old and full ordination 6 years later. Studying at Mahāvisutārāma and Masoeyein-teikthit monasteries in Myanmar, he was awarded the title of Sasanadhaja-Dhammacariya. Having trained with Ven. Pa-Auk Sayadaw, he currently teaches at Pa Auk Tawya Meditation Center and its worldwide branches.

Kyabje Nawang Gelek Rinpoche
Guide to the Mahayana
Born in 1939, he received the Geshe Lharampa degree at the exceptionally young age of 20 in Drepung Monastic University in Tibet. In 1959 he went into exile into India. Rinpoche moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1987 to teach Buddhism. In 1988 he founded and was president of Jewel Heart. He disseminated Tibetan Buddhism across the globe until his passing in 2017.

Ven. Antonio Satta
Meditation teacher
Ven. Antonio took novice ordination in 1979 and full ordination from HHDL in 1981. He studied with a wide variety of Tibetan teachers and practiced at a Mahasi Sayadaw Insight Meditation Centre in the Sri Lanka. He translated and taught in centers across the world and has been training westerners of the Tibetan tradition in Theravada Vipassana.
Much conflict and polarization in the world arises from the pull of sectarian identities and the fear that suppression of doubt causes. In that pursuit he collaborates with different contemplative communities, notably Benedictine, Sufi, Liberal Jewish and Eastern Orthodox.
Ven. Losang Gendun is a member of Mind & Life Europe, whose mission it is to alleviate suffering and promote human and societal flourishing by integrating science with contemplative practice and wisdom traditions. In his activities he specifically promotes the importance of equality and inclusion as essential ingredients for a thriving, cohesive humanity.